Tuesday, May 26, 2009

long way to consumerism

Saturday, May 02, 2009

the man with the 7 tod's

aku punya teman .... (bukan lagu nya TTM ya...coba!!) tepatnya sih almost best friend, why? ya kami baru kenal (identitas lebih lanjut tdk di publish banyak tukang gunjing yang baca blog ini diam diam)

talented, briliant the compliment that i can figur it out, banyak weekend yang kami spend bersama, ngesot di mall, fancy dinning, kartu kredit promo entrapment, movieing, shop shop gak karuan

dia banyak teman, from gorjes to bences, just name it, oya dia juga punya blog, bagus isinya, tata bahasanya bagus, dan inggris pula, gak seperti blog gw ini (ok skip it!!1)

sekarang di lagi dekat dengan seseorang, tadi kami baru nonton wolverine bareng dan pertanyaan gw ke dia kenapa pake v bukan pake f, karena jamak, yaolohhhhh yang jadi wolverine kan cuma si hugh jackman (naked pula) wahh wahh sudah lah bukan ini yg mau gw bahas

ini yang penting, temen dia banyak tetapi dia lebih akrab dengan kami, kami adalah sebarisan prajurit dengan sejuta jarum beracun yang siap menghujam tajam ketubuh nya jika ada yang kami anggap tidak benar (tidak semuanya benar), gw expect dia punya pasangan, bukan bukan bosen berteman dengan dia, tp karena emang gw sayang dan care ama dia

contoh : kenapa tidak pecaya relationship? alasanya krn punya obsesi tinggal di aussi (tettttttttt gak syncron ya)

gw bukan teman yang hanya perduli dengan moccasin tod's nya kotor diinjak orang, gw adalah teman yang envy dengan 7 pasang tod's yang dia punya dan peduli dengan kekosongan hatinya, he deserve to feel what love is

gw bukan teman yang hanya tau lapisan dalam dompet lv adalah satin, gw adalah teman yang tetap sayang walaupun dia dihadiahkan monogram palsu dan punya masalah kulit, he deserve to live healthy

gw bukan teman yang hanya tau dia punya 1 skinny jeans, gw adalah teman yang punya dompet bally dan longchamp yang tetap merasa dia punya pantat yang bagus walau memakai skinny jeans yang itu itu saja oya satu lagi, his hair cut is same for almost 3 century, he deserve to looks great

gw sayang dia karena the whole of him is outstanding, walau dia tidak look pretty, so the balls head u better not to think twice deh, the love is in the air

oh my God aku ngondek

istilah ngondek kayaknya di timbulin sama si debby sahertian. kemayu, nengcia, cabo sot, gemulai, cabo heng, luwes, apapun istilahnya ngondek itu udah mewakilkan semua

ngondek kalau....
berdiri susah tegak, berusaha untuk tegak tapi useless, sepertinya memakai heels yang tinggi sebelah

ngondek kalau....
tangan selalu di kantong celana atau di dada karena jika dikeluarkan tangan itu akan seperti memegang invisible clucth bag

ngondek kalau....
bahasa tubuh terlalu banyak tunujuk dari atas kebawah bak mata angin, apalagi bahasa bibir, mengatakan tujuh aja kedengaranya seperti tuh...juh... dengan bibir ala angelina joli

bukan ngondek kalau.....
meletakan jari telunjuk di dagu dengan manis, atau sok manis.... itu tessy yang pasti

bukan ngondek kalau....
jalan bak di catwalk .... ingat teori jalan 1 garis.... ala jessica stam, ternyata menahan nafas karena menarik perut lalu dikuci untuk telihat perut depan rata, percuma gak efek karena itu bakalan jadi vertigo... (karena kurang oksigen)

bukan ngondek kalau.....
ikutan body combat, taebo, BL, aerobik, body pump, jadi lincah tapi ngos ngosan
ikutan hot yoga, hata yoga, basic yoga, jazz yoga, whatever yoga jadi lentur tapi letoy
its only aging issue.... jadi maklumin aja and oh my God, aku ngondek

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

ugly - by sugababes

When I was 7
They said I was strange
I noticed that my eyes and hair weren't the same
I asked my parents if I was OK
They said you're more beautiful
And that's the way they show that they wish
That they had your smile
So my confidence was up for a while
I got real comfortable with my own style
I knew that they were only jealous cos

People are all the same
And we only get judged by what we do
Personality reflects name
And if I'm ugly then
So are you
So are you

There was a time when I felt like I scared
That I was shorter than everyone there
People made me feel like life was unfair
And I did things that made me ashamed
Cos I didn't know my body would change
I grew taller than them in more ways
But there will always be the one who will say
Something bad to make them feel great

People are all the same
And we only get judged by what we do
Personality reflects name
And if I'm ugly then
So are you
So are you

Everybody talks bad about somebody
And never realizes how it affects somebody
And you bet it won't be forgotten
Envy is the only thing it could be

People are all the same
And we only get judged by what we do
Personality reflects name
And if I'm ugly then
So are you
So are you

(for those people like to talk about me)

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

dont quit

a gift from wanti a small poem which means big

Maybe this is the time you feel bored and tired

Maybe this is the time you feel blue and no clue

Maybe this is the time you fell lost and less love


please don't quit
you are my muse my storyteller my love song

please don't quit
your love
your life
and me

Monday, February 02, 2009

i want birkin

I just starting Bringing Home The Birkin, recommended to me by my lovely niece Lina. I really enjoyed this book – it is written by Michael Tonello, who apparently had quite the career finding and selling the exclusive Hermes Birkin bag on eBay.He is friendly, yet elegant in a way. His story is quite amazing – it begins with a move to Barcelona (my fav city) following a job that never panned out, and then through selling his designer clothing collection on eBay, he discovered the power of obsessed fashionista collectors and then wiggled and jiggled until he found out how to give them what they wanted.

One more suprise, Michael also had OCD

Thursday, January 29, 2009

encrypt of vic

i meet cute young fella from FB, he is damn cute actually, tinggi semapai dada rata kaya kate moss tp suka gaya nya, chic n gothic, yg gw suka dari look nya dia itu dasi nya thin in black shirt plus sepatu metaliknya so... singaporian, uda gitu ... suka senada, hitam hitam, coklat tua muda, putih putih, miss macthing, makin semampai lah kelihatannya

gw ketemu dia di marina singapore, dengan tas cream killernya, dia masih bekerja di sing tp setalah jan ini dia balik ke jakarta dan sekarang udah kerja pula di gading, he is architect, makanya gak heran kalo dia look so simetris top to bottom, pengaruh gambar proyeksi kali

wanti bilang apa masih bisa kita kita yang udah 30 something temenan ama 20 something? why not, vic is not a sham he is glam, ya mengapa tidak? lagian gw rasa kok ada bonds antara kami

dia udah ada yg deketin dan ngedate sama orang masihbisa ngajak gw
trus dia cuma ngeliat mr p aja masih bisa telp gw n samperin buat ngbrol sebentar kalo bukan bonds apalagi?

you makes everybody addict
but u have some encrypt
something that i don't get it
he has secret to revealed

vic, you are mysterious for me

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


what do you do when you got controversy of your new hair cut?

cut it shorter

why people so reactive when i cut my hair like that
its not achy breaky heart
its not pudel
its not curly mariah carey
its not mohawk
event not backham

its fierce

hong kong haircut, the city of crazy haircut after tokyo

don't care about do and don't in fashion
fashion comes and go
but this is the essential

my hair